Advanced Academic Programs

Advanced Academic Program Staff

Continuum of Services

FCPS offers a continuum of services for elementary students to meet their current academic needs. The continuum of services supports the two main goals of the Advanced Academic Programs Office:

  • Talent Development
  • Meeting the Needs of the Advanced Learner

Access to Rigor (level I): Grades K-6 – All students receive talent development lessons with critical and creative thinking strategies and AAP curriculum lessons.

Subject Specific Advanced Differentiation (level II): Grades K-6 – Identified students receive AAP curriculum lessons in the general education setting in areas of academic strength.

Part-Time Services (level III): Grades 3-6 – Identified students receive AAP curriculum lessons in more than one academic content area. The Advanced Academic Resource Teacher (AART) leads these lessons. Programming has increased depth and complexity in several content areas.

Full-Time Services (level IV): Grades 3-8 –Identified students receive AAP curriculum lessons full-time. Programming has increased depth, complexity, and pace in all academic content areas.


Multiple criteria are reviewed to determine eligibility for all FCPS advanced academic services. The local school committee determines student eligibility for part-time school-based services. The countywide central selection committee determines eligibility for full-time AAP Level IV placement.


In the spring, the Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test (NNAT) is administered to all FCPS first grade students. In the fall, the CogAT-Custom Form is administered to all FCPS second grade students. During the fall testing cycle, the NNAT and/or Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) may be administered to students in grades 3-6 who do not have an ability test score. A second grade screening pool is established using the test results from first and second grade testing. Students in the second grade pool are automatically screened for full-time AAP Level IV placement. Parents or guardians may exercise a one-time retest option during the fall testing cycle.

Referrals for Full-Time AAP Level IV 

Parents or guardians of students may initiate the full-time AAP Level IV screening process by completing and submitting an Advanced Academic Programs Level IV Referral Form to Kim House no later than December 15. No late referrals will be accepted. Second grade students not in the universal screener and all students in grades 3-7 are screened only by referral. Forms are available on the FCPS website and in the Parent Information Packet available at the local school.

Parents or guardians of students who are in the second grade universal screener will be notified by the school. Students who are not in the second grade universal screener will not receive notification.

Please do not wait for test scores before submitting a referral for your student in grades 2-7 as there will be no referrals for full time (Level IV) screening accepted past the deadline of December 15. If you are waiting for test scores and would like your student screened for Level IV please submit the referral by the published deadline (even if you have not received the test scores for your student).